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Canine Health Page
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This site is for people interested
in learning more about
canine nutrition and health.
I have put these Canine Health Pages together to provide a source of information about alternative health care and nutrition for dogs. You will find information and links about holistic care, homeopathy, Bach Flower remedies, what is really in commercial kibble, alternatives to feeding commercial kibble, home cooking for your dog, plants that are poisonous to dogs, support pages for people with dogs that are ill or have died, dog-related e-mail lists too which you can subscribe, some fun stuff, and much more! I hope this will be a starting point for your explorations into better nutrition and health for your companions.
Enjoy your visit!

Following is an outline of what you can find on each page.
Please use the menu above to navigate the pages.
This is not an all-inclusive list. Things can change daily!

M a i n P a g e

The Medicine Garden
Naturally Reared
Breeders Network

Petsage News
Shirley's Wellness

Vaccines & nutrition
Critter Chat
Tellington Touch
Annual Vaccinations

F o o d P a g e

Information about pet food and animal nutrition
List of Kibbles With Human Grade Ingredients
Comparisons of Commercial Kibbles
The AAFCO Book

F e e d i n g

What should I feed my dog?
About Commercial Kibble
"How Dogs and Cats Get Recycled into Pet Food"
Facts and Research
Animal Protection Institute Pet Food Investigative Report
So, What Are The Options?
What About Home Cooking?
Bones and Raw Food

R e m e d i e s &
T r e a t m e n t s

First Aid
Holistic Treatments
Flower Remedies
Where to buy remedies
De-skunking recipe

V e t e r i n a r i a n s

This page has information and links
to pages to help you find a holistic
veterinarian, and to web sites
by holistic veterinarians.

D i s - e a s e

Lyme Disease
Hip Displasia

P l a y

Fun stuff !

P o i s o n s

Cornell University Poisonous
Plants Page

Canadian plants poisonous to dogs
...and more!

P o s t O f f i c e

Send a virtual postcard,
courtesy of the Canine Health Page!